nuru women project leadership

Michaela Schwarz - Project Consultant and Advisor

Michaela Schwarz, based in Berlin, was trained 24 years ago in Hamburg as a rehabilitation teacher for the blind and visually impaired, specializing in daily living skills (LPF) and orientation and mobility (O&M). Even before retirement, she felt a strong desire to share her expertise in an African project. In March 2024, Michaela learned of blind women in Kiminini, and by April, she connected with Michael Ongaro from Ferm Industries. By May, five sewing machines were set up, and by June, the Nuru Project for blind women launched, transforming her idea into a thriving initiative.

Her next goal is to meet the Nuru women in person and use her LPF skills to help them produce fabric pads with sensory-specific training in a barrier-free environment. Michaela also plans to share her teaching methods with local instructors to build awareness and skills. She envisions the Nuru women achieving independence and, ideally, assuming leadership roles, helping create a self-sustaining business with potential for regional growth. To reach these goals, the project welcomes collaborators, supplies, magnifying aids and donations.

Elizabeth Naika - Project Founder and Director

Elizabeth Naika, a retired teacher with over 30 years of experience, dedicated her post-retirement years to a transformative cause. Seeing the unmet needs of abandoned blind individuals, Elizabeth opened her home as a place of care and belonging. This commitment led her to found the Nuru Women Project, where she empowers visually impaired women through practical skills and vocational training.Starting with hand-sewing techniques to make sweaters, scarves and sanitary pads, she laid a foundation for their independence. Under Elizabeth’s leadership, the project has grown from a grassroots initiative to a structured organization, now supporting machine-based production and broader community impact. Elizabeth finds immense fulfillment in the project’s success, which has fostered empowerment, self-esteem and financial independence for these women—testament to her vision and unwavering dedication.

Michael Ongaro – Project Lead (Africa)

Michael Ongaro, a United States Registered Nurse (USRN) and Project Lead of the Nuru Women Project, brings a wealth of experience in healthcare, community development and social entrepreneurship.

Michael is also a YALI RLC EA alumnus with a Civic Leadership Certificate from Kenyatta University and a Mandela Washington Fellow from Drake University, Iowa, USA, where he specialized in Business and Entrepreneurship. Recognized as a semi-finalist in the Tony Elumelu Foundation Business Plan Competition and awarded in the World Bank-supported MbeleNaBiz competition, he is also a 2024 Jasiri Investor Competition finalist.

Michael oversees reusable sanitary pad production, manages community outreach and drives fundraising and partnerships, playing a pivotal role in scaling the project’s impact and empowering visually impaired women.